Al Hashashen Episode 17 With Urdu Subtitles

  • “Although this is a good series, it is historically inaccurate and it’s disrespectful to Iran in many ways.”
  • “This series is historically wrong and has betrayed history, the sorcerer woman and the rope and the choice of darkness are so ridiculous that there is no need for an explanation.”
  • “The covenant of the three friends between Omar Khayyam, Hassan Sabah and Nizam al-Mulk is nothing more than a legend, considering their age difference is completely impossible. And their age difference is the most important factor.”
  • “On the other hand, Malik Shah is presented as a wild and irresponsible person, while he was a just king who was betrayed by his uncle who marched against him at the beginning of the first reign.”
  • Here are some reviews of Season 1, episode 11 of “The Assassins” with English subtitles ¹:
  • “A Son for a Son” opens on a familiar fog-drenched landscape being picked over by crows.
  • The subsequent sight of a snowy wall removes all doubt of where we find ourselves.
  • This era’s ruling Stark, Cregan (Tom Taylor), tells his royal guest about this land’s customs.
  • “Duty is sacrifice. It eclipses all things. Even blood. All men of honor must pay its price.”
  • Cregan is speaking of his House’s obligation to The Night’s Watch but he might as well be speaking about the war to come as well.
  • Here’s what I found on the history of the Assassins ¹ ²:
  • The Assassins, who were originally known as the Hashashim, Hashishin or Hashashiyyin, were a religious sect of Ismaili Shi’a Muslims from the Nizari lineage that originated in Persia in the eleventh century
  • The Assassins were a heretical group of Shiite Muslims who were powerful in Persia and Syria from the eleventh century until their defeat at the hands of the Mongols in the thirteenth century
  • They were known for their strategy of targeting and murdering opposition figures
  • The Assassins were also known for their use of hashish, a drug that contains a natural psychoactive
  • The sect grew and eventually managed to acquire a string of hilltop castles between 1130 and 1151 CE, many of which were located in northern Syria
  • The Assassins became so feared for their effectiveness that rulers went around continuously wearing chain mail under their extravagant robes
  • The Mongols were successful in destroying the Assassins thanks to their technologically advanced siege machines and catapults which could throw gunpowder bombs great distances with accuracy and power
  • The remaining Assassin castles fell in their turn and their inhabitants, including men, women and children, were slaughtered. The women and children who survived were sold into slavery
  • The Nizari Ismailis continued as a branch of Shiite Islam, and their leaders came to be represented by the Agha Khans of Iran from 1817 CE
  • All Episode Review And Conclusion
  • “Although this is a good series, it is historically inaccurate and it’s disrespectful to Iran in many ways.”
  • “This series is historically wrong and has betrayed history, the sorcerer woman and the rope and the choice of darkness are so ridiculous that there is no need for an explanation.”
  • “The covenant of the three friends between Omar Khayyam, Hassan Sabah and Nizam al-Mulk is nothing more than a legend, considering their age difference is completely impossible. And their age difference is the most important factor.”
  • “On the other hand, Malik Shah is presented as a wild and irresponsible person, while he was a just king who was betrayed by his uncle who marched against him at the beginning of the first reign.”
  • `Conclusion To Arabi Drama Serial Al Hashashin`*
  • The Arabic serial “Al Hashashin” (الحشاشين) concludes with a dramatic and intense final episode. The series ends with the death of the main character, Hasan-i Sabbah, the founder of the Order of Assassins. The final episode shows the aftermath of the battle between the Assassins and their rivals, and the eventual demise of Hasan-i Sabbah.
  • The conclusion also highlights the legacy of the Assassins and their impact on history. The series ends with a message about the importance of loyalty, honor, and sacrifice, which were the core values of the Assassins.
  • Al Hashashen Episode 17 With Urdu Subtitles
  • The final episode received positive reviews from critics and audiences alike, praising the intense action sequences, emotional drama, and historical accuracy. Overall, “Al Hashashin” was a critically acclaimed series that captivated audiences with its gripping story and memorable characters.
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